
20180301_121214You say
how could
I be happy

and joyful
and not disheartened,
alive, in such a raging age?

I live in a whole house
but I feel I live in a tiny cage,
or rather something essential

is caged in me, a
swan or an angel
twisting in its own

boxed in light
to escape and to migrate
across worlds

full of cities
in turn full of buildings
and rivers and bridges:

to go
to the overflowing silky willow
of buffalo where words grow

and human stories bloom
and heaven’s angel or water’s
swan gathers the stories

and brings them back to you,
dazzled, honored, grateful,
you live for this fulfilling – for you –

story, this web suspended and
displayed in the water-
bowl of present moment.

This time the story,
it was about
a man

who was lost
and then
he was found.

Everything he then
planted yielded
sweetness, nectar


the life of him
and the breath of him,
finally, and it all returned


This was relief,
from pressure,
this was presence,

and absence,
and invisibility,

the hallmark
of a person
spiritually free:

in these liberated periods of time,
where secrets tumble out
and no longer burden you

and you feel lighter
than feathers.

let yourself go,
dance the

redeemed dance,

the dance of the redeemed,
limelight divine casts now upon you,
loved, devotedly, loved:

This is symmetry.
This, the great mirror.
This, your amplification

and your completion,
your new beginning,
temporarily perfected.

in return,
forever, returning.

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