Ganymede laments
That year I
Cried & cried
I cried for
No reason
I cried
I cried until
It hurt my face
My eye-ducts
Would not dry out
I cried for
The soul-mate who never came
I cried for the
Lovers I lost in past lives
I cried for the love
I would never deserve
If I did not stop crying
& then you
Suddenly sent for me
Your great loud eagle descending out of the
Ruptured sky
Carrying me back up to you

Ganymede is nostalgic
I was your cup bearer for a year
Then as the rule stated, it was time
For a new cup bearer

Ganymede is patient
Now I have no tears
I sit numbly in a chair
Empty and vacant
As the reflections of doves
Pass across my eyes
Lifting my paintbrush
To an empty canvass
Hours later
The canvass still empty

Ganymede knows this is not the end


2017-04-17 16.05.33
If it was love, then
why was the world upside down,
why was Atlas drunk
why was the universe’s crown…

If it was love, then
why did it feel like despair
why did I wish
to tear out all my hair

whenever you were there
as opposed to not there?
Living together
with someone you love

can kill
love, like

to the shin,
that is not healed,
and the shot, is left,

to bleed dry. Living together
bled our love dry.
Ask me why
I write these poems.

Why I come back to the wounds.
To disinfect them, my old love, so old, so very, very old…

With electricity.